H3HELPLINE is here for you. We help anyone who needs support after an abortion. We care about your recovery, let us help.

Maybe you have heard it said that a medical abortion, also known as Plan C, is “as simple as taking a few pills.” Although they say that, the emotional side effects are not as simple and often can be devastating for women because they were not informed of what really happens. H3Helpline is a safe and confidential place for you, if you are thinking about having a medical abortion or if you are suffering from emotional trauma after one.

When you call H3Helpline, one of our Helpline Coaches will be able to provide you with information that will offer you help, hope and healing that is needed as a result of the emotional pain that follows an abortion. Our professionally trained Helpline Coaches have experienced abortion in one way or another, so they are able to listen and empathize with you. If you are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and considering having a medical abortion, it is important to make yourself aware of all the facts involved and how it can impact your life, both immediately and long-term. In this blog, we will look at some facts about the emotional side effects that can occur after a medical abortion.

Emotional Side Effects of “taking a few pills”:

It is important to know that emotional side effects are more prevalent than physical side effects after a medical abortion; although an abortion can affect each woman differently, most women are surprised by and not prepared for the emotional pain they experience. Some women experience this side effect of overwhelming grief or regret instantly, while others may feel it years later. This emotional pain is referred to as Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (also known as PASS). It is a condition that is believed to be related to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As a Nationwide Helpline for Abortion Recovery, we have seen thousands of women who have been traumatized from their abortion experience. It can come in the form of depression, anxiety, regret, and other mental disorders. Some of these feelings have been known to lead to substance abuse and suicide because the pain is so intense.

Many medical professionals say a medical abortion is as simple as taking a few pills and then send you home with pills to have an abortion all by yourself. At H3Helpline, we have received many heartbreaking phone calls from women who were not told about the emotional and physical pain they could possibly experience after taking the abortion pills.

“No one told me this is what was really going to happen.”
“They said it would be minor cramping but I am in so much pain and I am scared.”
“I am alone and no one is here to help.”
“I didn’t know it would be this hard.”
“I wish I could erase what I just had to see.”
“I was told a clump of cells would be passed, but now I am holding my baby. What do I do?”

Each day, our professionally trained and compassionate Helpline Coaches listen to the pain of women who are struggling with the emotional trauma of an abortion. Not many people are aware of the pain they will experience as a result of an abortion. At H3Helpline, we understand how difficult this experience can be for you, and one of the best things you can do is to seek out after abortion care and start the healing journey sooner rather than later.

**If you have already taken the first pill, mifepristone, and you have changed your mind about having an abortion, it may not be too late. Call the Abortion Pill Reversal hotline today at (877)558-0333 to speak to a confidential representative and learn more about your options, or visit their website now at www.abortionpillreversal.com.

H3Helpline is Here to Help

If you’re feeling grief and pain from a past abortion, are still unsure about if you will get a medical abortion or not, or you just need someone to talk to about how you’re feeling, call H3Helpline today. Our Helpline Coaches have all experienced the pain of abortion firsthand and are here to help you begin your journey towards healing. Know whatever you face today, you are not alone and that there are resources and support all around you. Call or text us at 866-721-7881 or visit us online; it is safe and confidential and we are here for you.