About H3Helpline

The H3Helpline is a ministry of New Heart of Texas Ministries. H3Helpline is dedicated to letting those who are hurting from their post-abortion pain know they are not alone. We understand the pain that is associated with post-abortion in women and men involved in this desperate decision. We provide the best recovery resources available today for women experiencing depression, guilt or grief after getting an abortion. 

Learn More About H3Helpline

H3Helpline is a nationwide after abortion helpline answering calls from across the country. We serve as a safe place for you to call if you are considering abortion or have suffered emotional pain after an abortion. Our professionally trained Helpline Coaches have also experienced abortion. They are available to listen, empathize and encourage you to start your own journey of healing. Our Helpline Coaches will research and recommend healing resources in your local area to begin your healing and restoration.

Together we can restore countless lives. Helping Heal the Pain of Abortion one phone call at a time.


Provide a safe, confidential, 24/7 Helpline for those who have experienced abortion, by offering encouragement and resources to start their healing journey.


Help those struggling with the choice of a past abortion find Help • Hope • Healing through H3Helpline.

H3Helpline Helpline Coaches

H3Helpline serves as a safe place for you to call. Our professionally trained Helpline Coaches have also experienced abortion. They are available to listen, empathize and encourage you to start your own journey of healing.





Terri is Director of H3Helpline and is living in Missouri.  Terri is the former Director and Founder of Riverside Pregnancy Center in Denver, CO where she served for 10 years.  Terri also has 9 years experience in managing and training an abortion recovery phone line. She has had the privilege of answering and talking to thousands of hurting people and assisting them to find hope and healing resources.  She has taught and led numerous recovery groups, and helped with weekend recovery programs.


Terri has her own story of Help•Hope•Healing after abortion.  She chose abortion when she was in college, right after abortion became legal.  She thought, “How could abortion be so wrong if it is legal?”  Her boyfriend at the time was encouraging abortion -“no one will have to know”.  Also, she didn’t want to embarrass her family with being pregnant and not married.  Terri was able to keep her decision a secret for years.  It wasn’t until she saw her first ultra sound of her second child that she came to the realization of her choice – she had terminated life.  Terri was able to suppress her emotions and hide her abortion for several more years.  One day while sitting in church, the pastor opened up the service for testimonies, a young girl stood up and asked forgiveness for her abortion.  That is when Terri’s journey of healing started.  First she acknowledged her regrets and loss, and then she asked God’s forgiveness and help in healing and restoration.  God gave Terri a passion to tell her story so other women could break free from the bondage of their hurt and pain, and be renewed and restored to live in freedom.  She wants you to find your Help•Hope•Healing after Abortion.


Mary Lee



Mary Lee is the Founder and President of New Heart of Texas ministries. These ministries include Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for those hurting from abortion, and Grief to Grace Retreats for those who have suffered from abuse and the H3Helpline. Mary Lee served as a phone consultant for an abortion recovery helpline for 7 years where she has spoken to thousands of women and men hurting from the pain of abortion and abuse. She has been the director of two pregnancy centers and has trained hundreds of volunteers who serve clients with unplanned pregnancies. Mary Lee has such a passion for this ministry as she herself has experienced the pain of abortion and desires others to experience the healing she has received.

When she was 18 years old and in college she became pregnant and made the decision to a have an abortion which she immediately regretted. She kept it a secret for over 20 years. Each year she went through a deep depression for 6-8 weeks around her abortion anniversary. She attended a Rachel’s Vineyard Abortion Recovery Retreat in 2006 and there, for the first time, she was able to forgive herself for aborting her unborn child. Since then she has dedicated her life to help women and men find healing and forgiveness from the emotional trauma they have suffered because of their abortions and/or abuse.

God gave Terri a passion to tell her story so other women could break free from the bondage of their hurt and pain, and be renewed and restored to live in freedom.  She wants you to find your Help•Hope•Healing after Abortion.

Adoption Consultant




Pamela Fincher has been married to Dr. Randolph E. Fincher, an Optometrist, for the past 50 years. She and her husband also have four (4) beautiful children. 


Pamela currently serves as the Foundress and Executive Director of Christian Family Services of Colorado, Inc. Christian Family Services is a ministry of adoption that is located in Aurora, Colorado. Pam has served at Christian Family Services for over 35 years as a Birth Parent and Adoptive Couple Counselor. She has also trained other individuals in working with pregnant clients and adoptive couples. During her involvement at CFS, Pam has had the honor of answering telephone calls and speaking to hundreds of men and women regarding abortion and adoption. Additionally, Pam has counseled with many women and men in unplanned pregnancy situations to better assist them in understanding the truth about abortion vs adoption. Furthermore, Pam has had the privilege of seeing many beautiful and wonderful babies being born and given life through adoption. 


Pam’s personal experience with abortion came when she was still attending college and found herself in an unplanned pregnancy situation. The State of Colorado had just legalized abortion and she found herself thinking that abortion was the answer to her pregnancy problem. The biological father of her baby did not want her to abort their baby, but Pam made the final decision and did abort her child.

No one at the abortion clinic where Pam went told her the truth about her abortion. They did not tell her that she would experience great amounts of grief and guilt over her abortion. Nor did they tell her how she would deeply regret her decision for many years to come. The abortion workers never expressed that Pam’s decision to abort her baby would affect her emotionally, mentally, physically and even spiritually. In fact at that time, she felt God could not EVER forgive her for the sin of abortion. At that time, Pam couldn’t EVER see forgiving herself. So, how could God forgive her for aborting her baby? Pam truly needed so much help with this question and then, He sent someone into her life that knew about the way to get healing from the cruel and abusive act of abortion. 


After several years had gone by, Pam had a meeting with a fellow worker at Christian Family Services. She talked to Pam about abortion healing and Pam decided to go through an Abortion Recovery Class. Through this recovery class Pam personally asked the Lord Jesus to forgive her for aborting her baby and she chose to forgive herself. Pam  named her baby and decided what she thought the sex of her child might be. She did not understand then that all of this work towards the healing and recovery of the abortion of her baby was just the beginning of her journey towards working with other pregnant women that were considering abortion instead of giving their child(ren) life. 


“I praise Jesus for His beautiful forgiveness towards me and my abortion. I praise Him for His unconditional love for me. I also praise the Lord God Almighty that He sent a beautiful woman to me that taught me how to share the truth about abortion. Finally, I praise Jesus Christ my Savior that He will be able to use me at the H3Helpline in any way that He desires!”      


Prayer Partner




Cindy comes to us with a heart for those who have experienced abortion.  She has been freed from the bondage of self-hatred, fear, anger, manipulation, depression, rejection, and the list goes on and on. Because of her freedom she has a passion to help others.  Cindy has 13 years of experience leading Forgiven and Set Free, helping with Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats and answering the International Helpline for the over 2 years.

As a child Cindy grew up in a loving and healthy environment.  She was brought up Catholic, so she knew right from wrong.  As an adolescent the loving and healthy environment took an ugly turn when her parents divorced which reigned in great turmoil and confusion.  Her mother then got involved in an abusive relationship and was buried shortly thereafter.  Cindy turned to drugs to numb the pain.  She was naïve in many ways, she did not know how to have healthy relationships and found herself pregnant.  She was ashamed and alone and did not know where to turn. She thought how could she bring this shame upon her family? A friend told her about abortion.  It was her escape, her refuge from the storm, and no one would ever know.  So off she went, a friend dropped her off and there she sat.  Looking down at that cold laminate tile floor in the cold metal fold up chair along with the others in the same predicament she was in.  It was a long wait and a painful procedure. The pain and the sound, she will never forget that sound.  It was over, she was so thankful it was over. Then she had to make that awful, dreaded decision a second time. The second time was worse than the first; Cindy said she should have known better.  It was over in an instant, but the pain; the pain remained.  The drugs became more prevalent and alcohol was added to numb the pain.  Cindy didn’t realize where it was coming from since she was freed from anyone knowing that she had ever been pregnant in the first place.  Cindy was in deep denial of what she had done.  Cindy then met her wonderful husband and they had a beautiful daughter, it was while Cindy was pregnant the harsh reality of what she had done came slapping her in the face.  Her thoughts came rushing in –“What if God chooses to punish me for what I did? Will my baby be ok?  Oh sure you are having a baby now, it’s not just a blob, it’s a baby”  More and more it flooded her mind, then when that glorious day arrived and her daughter entered her world, Cindy was unable to bond with her, not wanting to hold her precious gift from God.  She was perfect in every way, He did not punish Cindy.  He had no need to punish her; she was punishing herself in ways that she didn’t even know.  Every relationship Cindy had suffered from the rage she felt toward herself.  Even through all of that God was pursuing her, longing for her to surrender to His is love and care.  Cindy’s little family finally all fell into His loving arms of mercy and grace after years of relentless pursuit.  Their lives began to have real meaning, relationships were beginning to heal and life was manageable.  But there was still that dirty secret that was tucked away, that no one except her friend and God and eventually her husband knew about.  It stalked her like an extortionist waiting to release it to the world, to her newfound friends, her church!  Oh her church, Cindy’s thoughts went wild again, “what if they found out who she really was? They would never allow her to be involved in anything anymore I must do all that I can to keep them from knowing.”  It was then that she came clean with her small group she could no longer hide who she was.  Cindy knew that she wanted to help others at that point to never have to feel like she was feeling.  Her small group of course, was loving and compassionate and supportive.  Not long after that Cindy’s daughter and her husband were expecting a child.  Cindy escorted them to a local Pregnancy Help Center and discovered an Abortion Recovery Program.  It came at the nick of time for Cindy to be able to enjoy her first grand-girl.  She had never understood why she had no desire to hold babies, but God used this program to heal her broken heart and, she is now able to enjoy holding babies.

Cindy says, “She is certain had abortion not been legal, I would never have considered it.  But it was legal and easily attainable, so that is the road that I traveled.  It is the wide road and many are deceived by it.  Abortion is by far the most life altering decision I have ever made and I have always regretted it.  If you have found yourself struggling with the misguided decision of abortion, I encourage you to give the power of an Abortion Recovery Program an opportunity to help you heal from the pain, shame and suffering of your loss.”

Helpline Coach




Christine is dedicated to helping women heal from their pain of abortion.  Christine has worked with an Abortion Recovery Helpline for the last 2 years.  She has attended Rachel’s Vineyard and Grief to Grace and understands the journey of healing.  Christine also volunteers with New Heart of Texas.

This is Christine’s story in her own words:

“I was 15 years old when I got pregnant by my boyfriend. For a while, I thought we would get married and be a family and I secretly prayed for that, but didn’t really even know who God was.  I did not know it at the time but he was an alcoholic. When his mother found out, she pressured me to get an abortion saying. ‘I was too young to be a mom’. He continued to drink and cheated on me. How could the person who was supposed to love me, hurt me so badly? My heart was reeling with lies whispered by the deceiver, so I made an appointment with an abortion clinic thinking it would “take care of my problem”.  I went home and told my mom that I was getting an abortion. My mother told me not to do it. Through my tears, I told my mom that I felt I had no choice but to do it. She told me to not come back home if I did, so I left. My boyfriend who was supposed to ‘be there for me’ went out and got drunk again, so a friend took me. It all seemed like a bad dream, but unfortunately, it was all too real. At the clinic, it so was cold and austere—I started crying again. I really did not want to do it. I just wanted someone to tell me I would be okay and the baby would be okay. That I could handle this…my mom had done that, but again the lies were swirling around in my head. The nurse told me to put a gown on and to lay on the exam table. The two things I will never forget about the abortion:

  1. The extremely sharp pains I felt as my baby was dismembered and his life taken from me —I cried and told them to stop but they wouldn’t.
  2. The horrible sucking noise of the vacuum machine.

Eventually, I stumbled out to the waiting room. The staff quickly grabbed me and told me sternly to go to the back of the clinic to get picked up! I was dazed and in pain and left with an antibiotic in my hand and my heart broken. I was completely drained —emotionally and physically and later on I realized, spiritually, too. I drank alcohol and did drugs to numb myself out. I tried to tell myself that it was okay, but I knew deep down, it was not okay—I was not okay. Physically, I worried if I would ever be able to have children? Emotionally, I felt such guilt and regret. Spiritually, I felt so ashamed that I thought God would never forgive me.

My journey to healing began about 20 years ago. I had met a young man and we fell in love. I prayed to God that this man would become my husband. God answered that prayer! My future husband and I started going to church, where he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, got baptized and then we got married in the church!  As our faith journey has progressed, I have received healing and hope through Bible study, prayer and attending an abortion recovery retreat. I was able to honor the memory of my son and receive true forgiveness and healing from the Lord! My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Helpline Coach



Liz was born and raise in a Catholic family in Texas. She is married with 2 adult children and a grandson. She lives in a household with current and former military members in her family.
Liz has been trained in Stephen Ministry in 2010 and became a Stephen Leader in 2016 where she has trained others to care and pray for people who are grieving a loss in their lives. Liz has moved all over Texas and has volunteered in many different ministries in her churches. Liz has a great group of positive women in her life for 22 years in her personal work.
Liz has attended New Heart of Texas Rachel’s Vineyard retreat and will be attending the Grief to Grace retreat. She understands what it is to have had an abortion and live many years in a healing journey.

Here is her story:
I was 17 when my boyfriend and I got pregnant and he took me to have my abortion. A friend of mine went with the two of us. He drove me to a nearby city 20 minutes away to a clinic. The whole way there it was silent, he never said anything during this trip to the clinic. I was crying and hiding the tears. He never told me he wanted to keep the baby before this day. We arrived and all walked in. We waited it seemed like eternity for them to call me back. No one was there to greet us. No one was waiting in the waiting room or the clinic. Finally a lady came from a back room and called me back. I do remember she asked why I was there and if I was sure and what type of payment I had (cash only). I was so scared and remember going into a room and the person asking for payment and again asking if I really wanted to have an abortion. I remember them have me say it out loud. They took me into another examination room and let the doctor check to see how far along I was which was 8 weeks. They then took me into the first room I paid them the $300. They explained what was going to happen and told me not to look at the glass container during the abortion. I remember the scraps and tugging and was crying the whole time and all I heard was the vacuuming of the machine. The procedure was done and I turned as they were rolling the glass container out of the door. I just saw lots of blood and pieces of something but couldn’t make it out. They told me that I would feel hungry and to not go home and sleep. I felt numb as I was walking to the front door. My boyfriend was sitting on the couch with his eye closed as if he was sleeping. I tapped him on the leg and said we can go. He walked to the door and held it open for us and I stopped and told him I was hungry. That made him so mad. We got in the car and he asked me where to drop us off at and I told him at my friends house. On the way to her house he drove 90 miles a hour down the highway and I asked him to slow down and he wouldn’t he would just go faster. My friend and I was so scared. We finally got to her house and he drove away. I saw him several other times, he came to my house for Halloween and for my birthday. We both had another boyfriend and girlfriend during that time. Years later, I thought I shouldn’t have said anything walking out of the clinic or just said I’m sorry. I still think about him on the anniversary of my abortion and his birthday. I hope he is well after all this time. I know now my baby girl Jasmine Lynn is with our Lord in heaven with all my love.

In my life I have had traumatic events happen to me such as sexual abuse and physical abuse and emotional abuse. I can say with true conviction that Jesus Christ has been with me every step of the way. Without Him I would not be here today. It has been quite a journey with counseling and difficult time in my marriage and now feeling God’s love and knowing my child will be waiting for me. Two scriptures I love are: “I am with you always” Matthew 28:20 and the other, I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and fortress, My God in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:2 and the prayer that has saved me is The Divine Mercy Prayer.

Prayer Partner




Dedra is dedicated to helping women heal from their pain of abortion.

Dedra is a realtor in MO & KS, wife and mother of two sons, one of whom serves in the United States Coast Guard as ET-3 Electronic Technician


This is Dedra’s story in her own words:

“I was 16 years old when I got pregnant by my boyfriend. We thought we would get married and be a family and I secretly prayed for that, but I shortly realized that I wasn’t ready to be a wife and mother. I was afraid and embarrassed to tell my single mother and my family that I was pregnant.  My heart was reeling with lies whispered by satan, so I made an appointment with an abortion clinic thinking it would “take care of my problem”.  My boyfriend told me not to do it. Through my tears, I told my boyfriend that I felt I had no choice but to do it. My boyfriend was upset and very disappointed and he left town shortly afterward he learned that I had my mind made up. I still remember walking into the clinic, it  was cold and I was very scared. I really thought this was the right decision and my life would be easier without a child. That I could handle this…But again the lies were swirling around in my head. The nurse told me to put a gown on and to lay on the exam table. The two things I will never forget about the abortion:

  1. The extremely sharp pains I felt as my baby was dismembered and his life taken from me —I cried.
  2. The horrible sucking noise of the vacuum machine.

The nurse took  me to the waiting room, gave me some pain medicine and I had to stay there for 30 minutes. I was dazed and in pain and left with an antibiotic and my heart broken. I was completely drained —emotionally and physically and later on I realized, spiritually, too. I tried to tell myself that it was okay, but I knew deep down, it was not okay—I was not okay. Emotionally, I felt such guilt and regret. Spiritually, I felt so ashamed that I thought God would never forgive me.

My journey to healing began about 3 1/2 years ago.I met a lady at church and as I was dealing with other issues in my life I discovered that I had never dealt with my abortion. I was living in denial. I hadn’t discussed the abortion since it happen.


So, here I was married with two sons and a wonderful husband who didn’t know anything about it. I never shared this information with my mother as I was ashamed and afraid they would judge me.  I prayed to God asking him to give me the word to say as I revealed this secret with my family. God answered that prayer!  My husband and family were very supportive and understanding. As our faith journey has progressed, I have received healing and hope through Bible study, prayer and attending an abortion recovery retreat. I was able to honor the memory of my son and receive true forgiveness and healing from the Lord!

My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

Helpline Coach




De’Cean  is married to her wonderful husband Alten Jones Jr., an Aircraft Maintenance Technician, for the past 18 years.  They have three (3) beautiful Kingdom (adopted) children!  She has a heart for helping women find their healing after abortion.  She has been trained as a facilitator for “Forgiven and Set Free Healing” by Linda Cochrane through Hope for a Heart in Texas. She has also co-facilitated for over 10 years at Oak Cliff Bible and Fellowship under Dr. Tony Evans through Free at Last post abortion recovery studies. De’Cean served in the Pregnancy Resource Center and counseling ministry for several years under the great leadership of Dr. Tony Evans. 


When De’Cean was 18 years old and in high school she became pregnant and made the decision to a have an abortion which she immediately regretted. She kept it a secret for over 18 years. She thought about it from time to time and around the abortion anniversary each year. De’Cean attended a post abortion class through her church, Free at last program. Not because she wanted to but because she wanted to volunteer at her local Pregnancy Resource Center as a client advocate. Only to find out that it was required to attend an post abortion recovery program, since she had an abortion before. 


De’Cean attended Forgiven and Set Free Abortion Recovery in 2006 and there, for the first time, she was able to forgive herself for aborting her unborn child. It was the most painful thing she had to admit and deal with, after she had buried these feeling, hurt, shame and pain for so long. She did not even realize she needed to be completely healed from her abortion experience until she attended the recovery program!  De’Cean finally acknowledge her regrets and loss, and then Asked God for His forgiveness and to help her receive his healing and restoration.  She shared her painful journey with a group of ladies that had made the same decision.  The ladies not only walked with her, but held her accountable for her decision to be completely healed.


Since then, she has dedicated her life to help women find healing and forgiveness from the emotional trauma they have suffered because of their abortions and/or abuse. 

Helpline Coach




Stephanie is a mother of 5 children, a mother-in-love to 4, and a grandmother to 14. She is a licensed massage therapist.   God is expanding her passions and desires to include many other areas, including legislation through being a citizen activist. She comes to H3Helpline with a great passion to encourage women to start their healing journey from the pain of abortion.

It has been said …‘No little girl ever dreams about becoming a prostitute’.

Let it be known…‘No little girl ever dreams about having an abortion’.

She was raised in a loving, two parent Christian home. Her world was safe. Her childhood desire was to be married, have children and grow old gracefully with her husband.  But life had a detour she never saw coming. She and her high school sweetheart made a decision to end the life of their first child.  During college they parted ways. Stephanie became unglued and promiscuous.  Another pregnancy and another abortion.  Soon after the second secret abortion, she and her high school sweet heart got married.  God blessed them with 5 beautiful children.  Things were as they should be.  Or were they?   An ache deep inside of her continued.  Going from doctor to counselor to psychologists, one day a pastor friend helped her turn her eyes back to Jesus, giving rest and hope.  But she was still VERY broken.

Her story isn’t different from millions of women in various stages of their confusion. One moment Stephanie convinced herself it is OK to have an abortion… but felt like a lifetime to convince herself she was going to BE ok… All the while knowing deep inside she was NOT ok.  Not without getting help from somewhere. But where??

Her breakthrough came when she was able to grieve the loss of her babies privately and publicly through a ministry called If Not For Grace.  Her children she lost to abortion became real.    Her healing journey began.

Stephanie now has the boldness to be obedient and speak out for truth. The pain that had inhibited her from her God given purpose, gave way to understanding God’s plan is for her for ‘such a time as this’.   She gives all glory to our God our Father for HIS mercy and grace.  Esther 4:14 #prograce

Helpline Coach




Loni has a heart for helping women and men find help after abortion.  She has been trained as a facilitator for “Forgiven and Set Free” and Pathway to Sexual Healing” both by Linda Cochrane.   Loni has also facilitated other Christ centered post abortion recovery studies which included, “Surrendering the Secret and “Concepts of Recovery -The Journey”.  In 2013, Loni retired and began ministry work full-time which included serving in a men’s prison where she began facilitating, “A Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren.  Loni has completed the 12 Steps in Celebrate Recovery and served as a facilitator at Calvary Chapel.   In 2017, she co-authored a post abortion curriculum titled “Brick by Brick Workbook” based on the book, “Brick by Brick Healing a Woman’s Heart His Way” by Keven Covert.   Loni is no stranger to help lines as she has answered calls for 3 years on an abortion recovery helpline.

“I never really recovered from my parent’s divorce at the age of 2 and the abuse sustained from a cruel step-mother – now all deceased – so it wasn’t a surprise when I became pregnant at the age of 14.  My 19 year old boyfriend assured me that he knew a woman who would take care of the problem.  I was hoping my boyfriend would offer to marry me but that was never mentioned.  He took me to a woman who injected Lysol cleaning solution into me.  She charged me $25.00.  I ended up in the hospital two days later.  The doctors were aware of the illegal abortion but simply gave me a D&C and sent me home.  One year later I became pregnant by the same boy and the scenario was repeated.  Although the first abortion had been hidden from my father, this time he suspected that something was wrong and sent me to live with a relative in California.  I ended up in the hospital where once again a D&C was performed.  I had been treated in two hospitals in two different states and seen by many medical personnel and no one suggested my need for counseling.”

Loni was treated for depression, fits of rage, nightmares and intimacy disorders for over ten years and not one medical professional told her that it was connected to her three abortions.  It was in 2005, after three failed marriages and at the age of fifty that she began her abortion healing journey. By 53, she had been married three times and her fourth divorce was in her future.  It wasn’t until Loni completed a Bible study called Divorce Care did she begin to suspect that these events in her life were connected to something much deeper…somewhere she had never visited.  She did not know anything about Post Abortion Syndrome.  The guilt and shame burdened her so much that Loni found it impossible to maintain an intimate relationship.   After that first study, the Lord led her to another study “Forgiven and Set Free” by Linda Cochrane which helped heal the pain of abortion.

Helpline Coach




Linda lives in Missouri with her husband of over 45 years. They have two children and five grandchildren. Linda has worked for If Not For Grace Ministries (INFG), an abortion recovery ministry for five years as the Community Awareness Coordinator.  Along with Community Awareness she has facilitated Her Choice to Heal abortion recovery classes, helped facilitate reconciliation weekends and led Bible studies through their Next Steps services.  Linda spreads her passion for abortion recovery to the community through pastor presentations, speaking engagements, conferences/events and networking. She has been trained in trauma healing through the American Bible Society Trauma Healing Conference.  She is honored to serve on the Advisory Board for Wise Women: Education, Community, Empowerment in Lee’s Summit.

Linda’s zeal for women’s restoration comes from her own abortion story and the restoration God has done in her life. Without God’s forgiveness and redemption her marriage would never have made it this far.  Linda and her husband experienced an abortion together before they were married.  The Bible says ‘the enemy comes to steal, and to kill and to destroy’ and that is exactly what he was doing to their marriage.  He had taken their baby and he worked for 37 years to take their marriage. John 10:10 continues with “I have come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly.”  Through God’s word, an abortion recovery class and reconciliation weekend Linda and her husband have been living life more abundantly by helping others find healing from past abortions.

Helpline Coach




Lorien lives in Florida with her husband Mark, her son Payton, and their bulldog Sarge. She was
born and raised in a rural county in a broken home to parents with a wild propensity for self-destruction.
After the death of her father at thirteen, she went to live with her mother who was an addict with an
abusive boyfriend. From the time she was born, it seemed destruction was right on her heels. She tried
to stay one step ahead but every decision she made only put her deeper into the enemy’s camp.
She ran into the arms of a boy and his family during High School, but the false sense of security
she’d gained was exposed when she became pregnant, and they encouraged abortion. They were willing
to sacrifice her baby to save their own and he didn’t show up to the meeting to defend her or their child.
Abortion never crossed her mind, but she was at their mercy with no home to run back to. Since she
wasn’t ready to make the decision she delayed, and the clock ran out. Three months after giving birth to
her son, she was pregnant again. She was sleep-deprived and utterly defeated, so when the boy gave
her the money and told her to get an abortion, she didn’t have any fight left in her. She drove an hour to
the facility and forced herself through the process. She refused to look at the sonogram and only
remembers the words, “about six weeks.”
She was consumed immediately with self-loathing and despised the boy. She punished herself
by never becoming a mother again and lived under the weighty hand of her own condemnation for
fifteen years. The Lord would lead her to light gradually throughout that dark time. He introduced her to
a good man and encouraged her back to church. She’d been many times as someone’s guest, but never
really believed that God loved her. She knew she was doing a lousy job fixing herself, so she decided to
give Him a chance, to do things His way. After He had her obedience, He revealed His heart for her just
like the scripture says He will do in John 14:21.
Since then she’s been on a mission to give Him the desires of His heart, which is souls reconciled
through His son Jesus Christ. She uses her gifts, talents, and pain to lead and strengthen others in the

faith. Shortly after committing her own life, she was encouraged to become a sidewalk counselor
outside of an abortion facility where her path intersected with a pregnancy center. She was encouraged
to go through their post-abortive healing study, Forgiven and Set Free by Linda Cochran. She is now
cultivating pregnancy resources for her community and received full-circle redemption when she spoke
in the Florida Senate during the 6-week ban in support. The voice she silenced was given a platform that
day to advocate for future generations in the womb. She continues to advance pro-life and pro-family
legislation and is an aspiring author working on her first memoir.

Helpline Coach




Chris Bio

For every abortion, a man is involved. I am one of those. Nearly 20 years after our abortion and maturing emotionally and spiritually, I came to grips with my involvement in an abortion. Guilt began to creep in. I had 3 blessings of great kids and I realized I really had 4. That realization began to be a burden.

At about the same time, I was asked to help in a pregnancy center. I figured that would be a good avenue to atone for my abortion. Prior to actively volunteering in the pregnancy center, I was asked if I had abortion experience. Of course, I said yes then was required to go through a healing study led by another abortion-wounded individual.

I know I am forgiven and free of the guilt, regret, and shame I carried. Just as one abortion-wounded individual shared and guided me through the process of forgiveness and healing, I now seek opportunities to do the same for others who are experiencing the emotional trauma phenomena that can be a result of one’s abortion experience.

My method to date and what I have found success with is one on one via phone or in the case of international contacts, via email. When I get a referral, I contact them as quickly as possible to let them know help is on the way. I only work with male abortion-wounded individuals. I establish where the client is at the first encounter as in their history with abortion, their theology background, family history and so forth. I listen to the client and early on, establish we have a shared experience. In essence, a “me too/you too” almost bond. Again, early on, I offer that I have achieved peace with my abortion past. My intention is to impart that peace to them by as I have gained a sense of peace with my abortion past, they have the same opportunity. This may take a second, third, or more conversations prior to taking healing steps.

Males (guys) tend to want to fix things. They want to know what they can do about their situation. Working through Healing the Father, I share specific actions they can adopt that enabled and supported my own peace. I offer a list of books they can read and encourage them to get and read each one. I have a list of songs they can download that support their move to peace. Overall, I establish their journey to peace doesn’t end when we cease talking. Their journey is life-long and results in a peace they did not have when we first talked.

Helpline Coach




Scott lives in Missouri with his bride of over 45 years. They have two children (plus one in heaven) and five grandchildren. Scott is retired after working many years in Human Resources for an international energy company and an international mining company. Scott is also a cancer survivor.

Scott has served in many volunteer positions with the Boy Scouts of America, on the local adult committee for Young Life and on the Board for the Heritage Philharmonic. He currently serves on the Board for If Not For Grace Ministries (INFG), an abortion recovery ministry. He is an active member of Shepherd’s Way Church and attends the local men’s weekly Bible Study Fellowship.

Scott found the healing and redemption that he didn’t realize he needed from his own abortion experience with his bride, before they were married, when he attended a Reconciliation Weekend to ‘support’ his bride who was completing her healing after participating in an abortion recovery study through If Not For Grace. Since that event their marriage has been revived and Scott has served in many volunteer capacities with INFG; from helping facilitate reconciliation weekends to sharing his story with small and large groups.

Helpline Coach

Heidi F



Heidi lives in Texas with her husband Tim of 32 years and has 3 children and 2 grandchildren. She served as the previous Outreach Director with Oil of Joy Prison Ministries leading an Abortion Recovery program in the prison for 7 years, started Heart2ARM and held private abortion recovery programs with retreats. She is currently serving at her local pregnancy center as a Client advocate and is passionate about awareness for post-abortive healing in the community and on social media. She is dedicated to speaking the truth against the lies of abortion because she bought the lie- but Jesus bought her back!

Here is her story:

When I was 17 and the man that I had put all my faith in wanted to walk away, I had to tell him the truth- I was pregnant. I was not trying to keep him ensnared, like he believed. I was very independent and believed I could do anything but when he denied even the ability to create a child, it made me feel worthless. When I brought the news to my parents, my Father’s response was that it would “ruin my life”. My Mother wanted me to choose adoption. I told her no way! I would never forget my child (and I never have). My father paid for the abortion that I insisted on. I fought hard in school during a debate to prove that it was not a baby yet. BUT- the emptiness that I felt after the abortion told me otherwise. There was a darkness that I now know as our enemy (Satan), that came in with such condemnation that I ran further into the arms of men and became even more promiscuous. Nothing could fill the deep emptiness of my soul. Until my best friend became an overnight Jesus fanatic! Begging me to go with her to a youth event, I finally succumbed. That night I heard about a man who died for my sins- ALL of them! Even the one I thought was unforgivable. Jesus not only wanted to forgive me, he wanted to be a part of my life! Jesus became my BFF that night and I was radically saved never to be the same again! He truly bought me back with the redeeming work of the cross! His life for mine!
Forgiveness was instant- healing was a process. I thought all was complete until the Lord sat me down and gave me a vision of my 2 daughters in heaven. One by abortion, one by miscarriage. I thought God was punishing me for the abortion with the miscarriage which he quickly corrected. No- God was not punishing me. But just like I needed to mourn the loss of my baby I miscarried, I needed to mourn the loss of my aborted baby. This began my own process of healing. The layers peeled back like an onion, one by one as God showed me more of His compassion and mercy!
I now use every God-given opportunity to help other women receive the same post-abortion healing and truth about the trauma abortion causes.  Speaking to Pastors and leaders about the need to bring healing, and serving the women who call the H3 Helpline.

Prayer Partner




Nancy is from Central MO and has been married for 42 years, has 3 grown sons and 5 grandchildren.  She is a retired school teacher.  She started the organization Women Helping Others (W.H.O.) in 2013. The goal of WHO is to bring HOPE to women who are hurting.  Nancy also serves as the Central Missouri Regional Coordinator for the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and is a leader for Surrendering the Secret healing courses.

Nancy married her husband 2 weeks shy of her 16th birthday.  On her 17th birthday she gave birth to her oldest son.  Six months later she found herself pregnant again and overwhelmed.  Her husband offered to call his doctor and arrange for an abortion.  Nancy had a dream the night before of a little girl running through a field of flowers.  The little girl stopped right in front of Nancy and said, “Mommy don’t kill me.”  The next morning Nancy told her husband she did not want to have the abortion.  He felt it was what was best for Nancy so they continued to the Planned Parenthood.

The doctor who performed the abortion told Nancy that he was going to use a suction hose like those used in a dentist office. That experience caused her to have panic attacks when she visited a dentist office.  It got so bad that she stopped having preventive care.

Nancy stuffed that day down so deep in her subconscious that she is  unable to recall details of the procedure.  She kept the secret of her abortion for 16 years. She shared it with two people who only offered her condemnation.  She learned then that abortion was not a subject people talked about.  Nancy lied to her physicians each time they asked how many times have you been pregnant.  She changed doctors when she was asked why she had scarring on her cervix.

Years passed and Nancy went to a  local pregnancy resource center to volunteer.  She was asked to take a Surrendering the Secret class because she had had an abortion. She  took the class and her healing journey began.  Nancy also attended Rachel’s Vineyard where she started to release the anger and unforgiveness that was in her emotional roller coaster of a marriage.  Next she heard of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and started to give her testimony.  This opened the door for her to go public with her abortion story. She is no longer silent about her abortion and she has  a passion to help other women find healing from their past abortions.

Prayer Partner




Tenysha is a wife and a soon-to-be mother to a baby girl in May 2021! She is a fulltime student studying to be a paralegal. God has completely transformed her life in
the last two years and has led her to become a part of the H3Helpline ministry. Her
mission is to serve and connect with women who have experienced the pain of

She was brought up in a spirit-filled Christian home where she gave her life to Christ at the age of 4. As a young Christian, there were high expectations to stay true to the word of God by living a virtuous life and remaining pure until marriage. In a sense, this created more fear of what her family and others would think if she messed up.

That fear created a wedge between her and her parents. Not having that open communication line and trust made her fearful of coming to them in a time of crisis. There was also high expectations-on her to graduate high school and get her college degree. As a senior in high school, she was doing all the exciting planning for the big graduation day and college. She was thrilled to start this new chapter of independence and adulthood. It wasn’t until a month after graduation her world
came stashing down when she found out she was pregnant. That positive pregnancy test filled her mind with anxiety and fear. All these thoughts flooded in of what her family and people in the church would think. She felt that she failed as a Christian and a daughter. In this instance, the enemy’s lies crippled her mind with a fear that her parents would hate her if they found out. The only person whom she trusted to tell was her boyfriend, who was the baby’s father. When she thought he would comfort her and tell her everything would be okay, he did the opposite. He laughed in her face and told her they needed to have an abortion. She was angered by his response and stormed out of the room. Although she was terrified of her unexpected pregnancy, she felt strongly against abortion and did feel she could make that decision. The next day her boyfriend gave her an ultimatum. He told her that she had a week to decide, all while pressuring her towards abortion. His true character started to come out; he made her feel bad about herself for wanting to keep the baby. Telling her she would never be successful, and her parents would hate her and him. He also said that if she kept the baby, he would take her to court and ruin her life. At this point, she felt defenseless and hopeless. He had put an abundant amount of fear in her head about keeping this pregnancy. There was a tremendous amount of influence and pressure on her from someone she thought loved her. He even went to the extent to call planned parenthood to schedule the appointment himself but was unsuccessful. At that moment, she hit her breaking point and made an excruciating decision to go through with the abortion. The pain she went through that day could be described as the worst day of her life. She laid under the same roof of her family, experiencing the most agony she had ever felt, and nobody had a clue she was suffering. After that day, she made it her mission to forget everything that had happened. She was determined to be successful and finish college so she can make right what she did wrong. For a short period, it seemed like she made the right decision. Her first year of college was a major success landing her the best grades she had ever gotten. Not long after that, her life started falling apart. She changed, and it wasn’t for the better; she became very cold and bitter. It was impossible to talk to her because she was always angry and depressed. She started to live in isolation and pushed everyone away that tried to get close to her. To fill this emptiness inside of her, she turned to partying, drinking, and drugs. When none of that could fulfill her, she turned to sex, which only led to more hurt and pain.
Nobody understood the pain she was going through; it was at that point when she became tormented with the thoughts of taking her own life. She hated herself so much that she no longer wanted to live on this earth. She could no longer function as she did before without having major anxiety and panic attacks. She lost all motivation in school and stopped going. She was suspended from the university and felt like she had nothing else to live for. Her mother invited her to a women’s retreat that she was reluctant to go on. However, she knew that God was still faithful and powerful, and he was the only one who could save her from this life of torment. She went to that retreat with the expectations that God would move in her life and receive healing. That night she and her mother walked that aisle in faith to receive healing. Without telling the woman who prayed for her a single thing, she prayed a powerful prayer pinpointing everything she felt. In desperation, Tenysha cried out
to God for forgiveness and healing. The lord was so faithful to restore and renew he so delicately spoke to her that her baby’s name would have been David, and at that moment, a burden was lifted off of her and left the pain she had been carrying at
that alter. When she returned home, she continued the forgiven and set a free course with her mentor Gayle. Through this bible study, her relationship with Christ grew stronger, and she understood everything she had gone through. After finishing
the study, she attended a three-day retreat called mourning to joy, where she shared her testimony with a group of women for the first time. Her story moved every person in that room; they all wrote her letters of how God had used her to minister
to them and help receive their healing. After that, she knew right away that the holy spirit was leading her to help women experiencing the pain of abortion. She has a passion and the heart to share her testimony and tell others that there is healing in Jesus Christ. He turned her life around, and now she will live her life to glorify his name.

Helpline Coach




Tiffany is from MO and has been married for 4 years, has 6 children, 1 in heaven, 5 living on earth. She and her husband are a blended family of 3 girls and 2 boys.  She is a Client Services Manager at a local pregnancy help center and is a leader for Surrendering the Secret healing ministry.


Tiffany was raised in a broken home with no Christian morals or values. She dated around and found herself pregnant after meeting a man at a bar only a few weeks earlier. This was an African American man, and my mom was not going to have a “mixed baby” in this family. Her mother scheduled the abortion at a local Planned Parenthood and there were to be no other talk about it. Tiffany did not feel she had a choice. Her mother told her the child’s life would be ruined because of it being bi-racial. That day came and it was so awful she wanted to forget it ever happened. The only thing she remembered of that day was the sound of the suction and how cold it was in the room. She buried that day deep in her soul to never speak of it again. Unfortunately, the same person who encouraged, made the appointment, and took Tiffany to the appointment, her mother, was the same person to continually condemn her. Tiffany went on to live a dangerous lifestyle of depression, promiscuity, drugs and alcohol.


Fast forward to 2013 when God rescued her from the bondage of self-destruction. From that day God continued to show Tiffany how He was going to use her past for the good. She started going to church regularly and one day they had a sign up to do a serve day. One of the options to serve at was a pregnancy center. She went directly to that sheet and could not wait to check it out. Tiffany was so blown away by what that center did she just had to volunteer there.  Since she had a past abortion, they require volunteers to take the healing class, Surrendering the Secret. She took the class, and the healing journey began. This class was so beneficial to her understanding why she was suffering with such anger, depression, self-hate and other negative symptoms that go along with a past abortion. This then opened the door for her to begin sharing her story with others. She began volunteering at the pregnancy center, she shared her story with her church and the podcast “Abortion Hurts God Heals”. Tiffany was then asked to be a co-leader with Surrendering the Secret healing class. God just continued to direct her path to helping heal women from past abortion but to also celebrate those women who have chosen life for the unborn child. She started “Embrace Grace” at her church and had a successful season with 2 women completing the 12-week course. In 2019, 2 years after she started to volunteer at the pregnancy center the directors approached her with an offer she could not refuse. She was asked to be the Client Services Manager for the center with a 3-year plan to become a Director. September 2019, she started that new position working about 10 hours a week. Within 6 months COVID-19 hit and when so many businesses were shutdown, Tiffany’s work increased now working 20+ hours per week.  Also, during this time she was asked to take over leadership of Surrendering the Secret. And to top off 2020, Tiffany was invited to be a Helpline Coach for H3Helpline, which is a national helpline for people to call to get help with the pain they are suffering due to a past abortion.  As you can see, God has blessed Tiffany’s past abundantly and continues to do so. Tiffany is quoted saying, “ Praise the Lord!”


Helpline Coach




Sharon is a retired registered nurse who worked 30+ years primarily in adult emergency health at Kansas City’s safety net hospital which was at the time the primary teaching hospital for the University of Missouri Medical School at Kansas City.  Most of those years she was manager (with a number of titles) of the Emergency Department and also had supervisory responsibility at various times for outpatient clinics, critical care units, specialty inpatient units and the dialysis service.  Most recently she has volunteered with INFG as facilitator for HCTH studies, Reconciliation Weekends, Next Steps Bible studies and served on the Board of Directors.  She has completed Stephen Minister training and will be commissioned as a Stephen Minister in June, 2018.

Widowed at an early age and without any living children, Sharon has been involved in various volunteer activities that have utilized her nursing background, management experience, and the spiritual gifts God has given.  She is an active church member serving in: women’s ministry; choir; Bible studies; mentoring; Haiti Home of Hope Board of Directors (orphanage the church operates in Pigon, Haiti; Missions Committee; Scholarship Committee.

Sharon’s personal abortion story includes two abortions as an unmarried young adult; coming to a relationship with Jesus as a result of her abortions; years of locking away the pain and shame; keeping others at a distance for fear of being “found out”; building a successful career and solid marriage; and finally- about 40 years after the second abortion- being broken by the need to grieve and heal, seeking help through If Not for Grace Ministries (INFG).  God had graciously brought her to the realization that bringing the truth to light was what was needed to be fully free to serve Him in any way He desired.

In 2013, she completed the Her Choice to Heal (HCTH)study and attended a Reconciliation Weekend which included a much needed opportunity to fully reconcile with God, acknowledge and honor and grieve publicly for her two children.

Helpline Coach




Cami is on the board of New Heart of TX and has led several Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats.  Cami also volunteers during the Grief to Grace retreats for those who have been affected by abuse.  Cami is an experienced Helpline Coach where she answered phones for over 4 years.  Cami has a heart for helping others heal from their past.

Cami was born to a couple who dearly loved God and served as international missionaries.  She accepted Christ into her heart at the age of six.  Even though she grew up in the church, her perception of God was not of a loving Father but more of a judge.  When she found herself pregnant in March of 1982, she was scared, ashamed and alone.  She had only known the father of the baby for two months and she felt sure he would abandon her.  The only option she thought she had was abortion.  She couldn’t face the shame she knew this would cause for her family, so in April she drove herself to the Planned Parenthood Clinic.  What happened that day became her secret- a secret she planned to take to the grave.  She felt relieved and blocked the whole event from her mind-so she thought.

Twenty-five years later she filled out an application to volunteer at the Pregnancy Help Center.  The lie continued when she answered “no” to the question: “Have you ever had an abortion”.  During the volunteer training, she heard testimonies from two women who had an abortion.  This was the first time she had ever heard anyone talk candidly about their abortion experience.  These women had received God’s forgiveness and had forgiven themselves.  The joy and peace on their faces was unmistakable and she wanted that same joy and peace.

In April 2008, Cami completed a post abortion bible study and then attended Rachel’s Vineyard in 2010.  She did not know how much her abortion had affected her life.  For 26 years she suffered with depression, feelings of unworthiness, anger, difficulty with relationships and fear that God would punish me.

The God she now knows is the God of love, mercy and grace.  His forgiveness and healing in her life has ignited a passion in her to help anyone that has struggled with the effects of abortion.  Cami served at the Pregnancy Help Center, has facilitated several Forgiven and Set Free Bible studies and continues to serve on Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats as a team member.

Helpline Coach




Cindy lives in Texas in the winter and Colorado in the summer with her husband of 44 years. She has 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren she enjoys spending time with. In an effort to help other women through their abortion experience, she has been through the study Forgiven and Set Free and a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat.

Cindy was raised in a Christian home and at age 9 she decided to follow Jesus. However, she thought of God as a judge not the loving father that he is. In high school she chose to rebel against the legalism she perceived and chose to do things her own way. In college she got pregnant on the night she got engaged to her college sweetheart. Selfishly she chose to abort the baby rather than let anyone know she was pregnant. After a rough couple of years, she broke up with her fiancée.

Then Cindy met and married her husband. She never told him about the abortion. In fact she never disclosed it to anyone. About 30 years after the abortion Cindy attended a women’s retreat and finally faced the reality of her abortion. She joined an abortion recovery program and began to process the shame and guilt of what she had done. Finally she told her husband and to her relief he accepted her and her actions.

Helpline Coach

Yolanda H



Yolanda Hill is an evangelist in the Church
of God in Christ. She works diligently with her
husband, Dr. Charles Hill, as the pastor’s wife in
their local church. She has worked in various
ministries such as the Music & Youth ministries,
Women’s Affairs ministry, and Church
Yolanda accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord
and Savior as a young teen. However, her commitment was short-lived as the
temptations of adolescence arose. She believes it altered her path when, at the age
of six years old, she experienced repeated sexual abuse. She did not disclose it to
her mother until she was about sixteen years old. Though she doesn’t excuse her
behavior, Yolanda also believes when she became a teen, she looked for the love
and attention she felt she did not receive as a child, in a relationship with her first
serious boyfriend. He constantly told her their courtship “would last forever” and

that he intended to marry her. They felt it was perfectly okay for them to have pre-
marital sex because of their future intentions. Though she knew it was wrong,

Yolanda believed him because she enjoyed the attention and “love” she desired. She
became pregnant after a few months and was told by her mother that she could not
have her baby. Yolanda begged her to reconsider; however, her mom’s mind was
set in stone. She took her to the abortion clinic for the procedure. While Yolanda
doesn’t remember all the sights and sounds of that visit, she remembers the staff
members told her she was “only getting rid of tissue.” Little did she know that the
blob of tissue would be a constant part of her heart and thoughts and a reminder to
her that “he” was indeed her child. She would envision him throughout various
stages of their lives together.
The nurse told her after the abortion procedure she needed to make plans to
prevent another pregnancy and to take precautions so she wouldn’t come back the
next year. She told the nurse, “Oh, I won’t ever be back here again!” At least that’s
what she thought. Yolanda, in fact, had a second abortion. She understands now
there is some truth to what’s known as the replacement baby. She feels she
unknowingly, suffered from the effects of the first abortion and spiraled into feelings
of depression, shame, and guilt. After the first procedure, she grew apart from her
boyfriend because it became too much to handle. She then dated a slightly older
gentleman whom she met at work on a summer job. By this time, she also expressed
a bit of rebellion. Now, she realizes that in some ways, she may have been angry

with her mother for insisting that she abort her first child. After her second
pregnancy, Yolanda’s mother did not force her to have an abortion; but Yolanda felt
her mother’s disappointment and desperately sought her approval once again.
Yolanda knows without a doubt that her second child was a “beautiful little girl”
and, replacement or not, she loved her dearly.
After a year or so went by, Yolanda met her husband, Charles. Though it was
a struggle, she “surrendered her secret” to him. As a young preacher, he admits he
had some reservations though he didn’t let her know at the time. He says God spoke
to him and told him, “Marry her, or you will regret it.” They have been married
since 1982. In 2022, they celebrated 40 years of a wonderful and happy marriage.
Yolanda attributes many of her accomplishments to her relationship with Christ and
her husband’s support. That support allowed her to attend college, acquire her
bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and complete hours toward her Master of Divinity
degree. In addition, she is also a retired high school teacher.
Together, they have three adult children; two are married (their bonus
children). They also have four grandchildren. Yolanda has named her unborn
children and written a song dedicated to their memory and honor entitled, I’ll See
You Again. She is a speaker, psalmist, recording artist, business owner, and author.
In January 2024, she completed her book, Pretty Black: Fearfully and Wonderfully
Made. It is based on her life and ministry, which aims to be an inspiration to women
of all ages. Yolanda is excited about her most current role as First Administrative
Assistant of The Priceless Ministries. Additionally, in her newest role as a Phone
Coach for the H3Helpline, she seeks to continue to share her testimony of
transparency, love, forgiveness, and deliverance. The goal is to inspire others to
their God-given purpose.
Through all of her mountain-top and valley experiences, she has had a
blessed life, and she is determined to finish strong!
Yolanda’s bio (or portions of) and other information regarding the New
Heart of Texas Ministries: Rachel’s Vineyard, Duty to Heal and the H3Helpline,
can be found at:
New Heart Of Texas Ministries
One of Many of Yolanda’s Favorite Scriptures

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God,
which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Helpline Coach




Yolanda retired last year and is fulfilling her dream of volunteering with organizations such as her local church, pregnancy center and most recently H3Helpline.

Since the trauma of her own abortion when she was 18 years old, she wanted to find a way to help other women experiencing the same traumatic incidences from their abortions.

Having just graduated from high school and her father died soon after, she was still trying to figure out what to do with herself. It seemed that the family fell apart after her father’s death and everyone seemed to scatter to their own corners of the world to recoup from such a sudden devastating loss.

Soon after, finding out she was pregnant, caused even more confusion and indecision with what to do about her pregnancy. Yolanda hoped that her boyfriend would step up and offer to marry her and take care of her and the baby, but unfortunately, he was in and out of trouble and using drugs and did not offer any kind of support.

When her family discovered she was pregnant, they did not offer any support or understanding, she felt she was on her own and didn’t have any other option than to have an abortion. The time for the procedure took minutes, but the aftermath of the abortion has lasted a lifetime. That is why Yolanda has such a strong calling to help other women who are experiencing the same aftereffects that she has.

Prayer Partner




Mindy lives in TN with her husband of 20 plus years, two dogs, a cat, and many chickens. Before giving her life to Christ in 1997, Mindy’s life was tainted and marred by varying sexual abuses, sexual promiscuity, and alcohol. This led to four pregnancies, three of which ended in abortion.

Her view of herself was she was a piece trash to be discarded and with every abortion her thoughts were confirmed as she would ask herself, “Who would do this to their baby over and over?”

Shortly after her salvation Mindy began to battle thoughts in her head that said, “Those people (church people) will never accept you; they are not like you.” And “God can’t love you; you killed His kids.” Fearing rejection and seeing no other alternative she left the church and went back to the life she knew previously.
While walking with God Mindy tasted the sweetness of the Word and knew it was good. Couple that with the Lord pursuing her she returned to the church a year after leaving. It wasn’t long after she learned about something called a pregnancy center and decided she needed to help.

As she sat down with the lady at the center to tell her story she ended up in a pool of tears as her life unfolded before her own eyes for the first time. She was encouraged to take the Forgiven and Set Free bible study group. In that group she learned about God, how He viewed her abortion, and she grew in her faith as she began her healing journey.

Since 2015, Mindy has been leading other women on that same journey of discovery and healing. She volunteered at her local pregnancy center working her way to the Development Director position. She is now the founder of An Even Place abortion recovery ministry seeking to reach everyone broken by abortion and lead them to a place of healing where their hearts
can rest in an even place.

Prayer Partner




Yvonne is a child loved by her Abba God. She is the wife of Wes her steadfast husband, celebrating 4 decades of marriage. She is a retired RN and USAF Veteran Flight Nurse, a proud mother of four—two inherited and two adopted children and enjoys being a grandmother to six and great-grandmother to four with one more on the way.

Yvonne finds joy in the simple and small things in life. She is dedicated to a life of service. Her experience ranges from a professional nursing career, to work with her church and organizations such as Disabled American Veterans (DAV) as a Life member and Certified Service Officer helping Veterans. She also serves Celebrate Recovery, a Christian 12-step recovery program; New Heart of Texas Ministry; and Legacy 68:5 a ministry for Adoption, Foster and Orphan care.

Suffering pain and great loss early in life, Yvonne is a grateful survivor whose life journey and mission includes helping others to heal and grow toward a goal of living a healthy, resilient and love-filled Godly life. At a Rachels Vineyard Retreat in August 2021 and a Grief to Grace Retreat in Jan 2022, she fully experienced God’s grace which brought “a peace beyond all understanding” NIV Phil 4:7. Her experiences lead her to re-commit to share joy, hope, help and healing through serving with the H3 Helpline Team.”

“I’ve been a Christian since I was a little girl, for as long as I can remember. This makes me the world’s biggest hypocrite. Not only because of times in my life when my actions did not reflect the life of a Christ follower. I was a hypocrite when I chose my own life success, deeming my life more important, than my unborn babies’ lives not once but three times. I even debated in high school for the life of the unborn, against abortion. I did a good job.

There were seemingly so many justifiable reasons to abort that were repeated in my mind. I didn’t discuss my decisions to abort my babies with anyone, not even with the good men I was in relationship with, fathers of my babies. I just thought I “knew” they weren’t ready either. I was in denial from the start. I had experienced a series of tragic losses in my life at the same time. My eldest brother drowned, and eight months later, my father died overseas of a fatal heart attack. In those eight months, I got pregnant in my first year away from home at a prestigious University and I had my first abortion. The place I went for my abortion(s) was convenient, it all was made to seem so easy. They were pleasant, professional, caring enough to help me to forget my choices and think everything was okay. I was flunking my first year of college. I was never okay. My best kept secret came to life with the loss of my first baby. I lost a part of myself. A couple of years later, while finishing my Nursing college degree, I repeated my actions and had two more abortions. I felt stupid. I was numb from the emotional pain of my losses. Again, I didn’t talk to anyone. I had stopped talking to God. It was my sole decision. I tried to end my own life. Twice. I couldn’t bear the burden anymore. I broke my engagement to marry the father of the last baby I aborted. My family and friends never knew my secret, and they would never find out, until a few years ago when I disclosed my secret to my elder sister. I was too ashamed of my abortions, my choices. I ran away but I could never outrun my secrets, my losses, my shame. I ran for about 6 years. I hid for a long time. I was lost. I hid behind my upward Nursing career, graduating in a leadership role, obtaining my Masters degree, excelling in my military career, living my “happy single life”. I was upwardly mobile. Wasn’t that why I sacrificed my babies? So I could be “successful”? But I wasn’t happy. I was sad, depressed.

Despite my silence, God did not abandon me. He sought me. I stopped running away. I confessed, I repented, received His grace and I was redeemed. God was always there. Shortly afterwards, I met my husband, a good man, a widower. After a whirlwind romance we fell in love. I immediately gained two teenage children by my husband and his deceased wife. It seemed like my prayers for “3 or 4 children” were being answered. I wish I could say it was all bliss, but we faced many struggles. While we pursued having children through infertility and IVF, our daughter got pregnant out of wedlock. We re-located out of state on my new assignment. Thankfully, our daughter gave birth to a healthy beautiful baby boy before my first wedding anniversary. I became a long distance grandmother.

During our attempts to conceive, I was uncomfortable around pregnant women and babies while longing for babies of my own. During this time I experienced more stress. I moved to a new town with new job stress, IVF failed, we were infertile, my mother was seriously ill and sad, I was a first time mother of older teenagers and a newlywed. My nursing career and my life crashed when I fell into depression. I wanted a family with babies. I was saddened by regret, the pain of willingly aborting three babies in my past and now I couldn’t conceive. I doubted my faith. I questioned God. Was I being punished?

Then there was a silver lining. I wasn’t being punished. I was being blessed. My husband and I were introduced to adoption and we had an opportunity to adopt a beautiful 4 month old baby boy. I was not forgotten by God. My faith was restored. Six years later, we adopted our beautiful 3 month old baby girl. Miraculously, I had 4 lovely children. Now my husband and I share 10 grandchildren and great-grandchildren with one more great-grandchild due.

Through my life story I have come to a confident knowledge that I am God’s creation and I am a child of God. He loves me and He doesn’t “make junk. My life has value. I matter and every life matters. God loves you too. Psalm 90:8, 12 and 17 set my path straight. I am no longer burdened by my secrets. I am free and blessed to share in the hope of giving encouragement, hope, help and healing to anyone facing a decision about the life of the unborn.

Helpline coach




Angelica started as a phone coach for H3Helpline in March 2024. She lives in Tampa, Florida with her husband and 3 year old Border Collie dog. Angelica is currently pregnant with her baby due in December 2024.

She has had her own trauma experience with abortion. At the age of 24, she found out she was pregnant with her boyfriend of only a few months. Growing up in a traditional Roman Catholic household she was afraid of the backlash she would receive from her parents, since she was pregnant and not yet married. Her parents were strict and forced religion on her. Her father told her “those who have abortions are bad and go to hell.” When she found out she was pregnant at 6 weeks, she made an appointment the next day to her local Planned Parenthood. Because she was afraid of the shame, she made the quick decision and wanted the abortion done right away, refusing to talk to anyone even her own boyfriend about the issue. However, after having the suction procedure done, she realized right away the mistake she made. Forcing herself to not relive the mistake, she repressed her trauma and replaced it with unhealthy behaviors. She faced years of depression, anxiety, alcoholism, anger whenever she saw mothers and young children and had a lack of trust in any kind of relationship. Her view on relationships led to cheating and sexual promiscuity. She stepped away from her Christian fate because she was angry at God, forcing her time and energy on her career and having a shopping addiction to make up for her happiness. Fast forward, she married her boyfriend (3 years in) that got her pregnant and they had a rocky first 2 years of marriage which almost ended in divorce. She advanced in her nursing career but still was not happy, even with a higher salary. Materialistic things did not bring joy anymore. Her 2nd pregnancy led to a miscarriage, and she feared her past abortion was the cause of her infertility. Angelica wanted to end her life, but it was not until calling the Helpline number, where she realized that her repressed anger, pain and marital problems were because of her abortion. Two and a half years into their marriage, the couple sought out counseling and abortion healing retreats and resources, attending retreats such as Deeper Still and An Even Place. She ran to the closest Catholic church for Confession and talked to a priest. She started to rebuild her faith and read the bible again. Her abortion healing journey has had its ups and downs, but she continues to heal from the pain working as a phone coach. Her mission is to continue talking about her abortion story and recovering from the shame. Angelica serves as a pro-life advocate in Florida and warn teens and young adults about the dangers of abortion. As a healthcare worker she affirms “abortion is not healthcare if it leads to many mental health disorders to the mother and the death of a child”.

Helpline coach



Faith is a military wife, with 3 adult children and one son-in-love.  Faith has served in her local pregnancy resource centers since 2016 in several capacities including Abortion Recovery Center Manager and Client Services Director. She brings years of experience in Abortion Healing and Recovery Care to H3, having led support groups for both Forgiven and Set Free and Surrendering the Secret programs. She has a passion for seeing women and men set free from the brokenness and pain of abortion.  
I grew up as the daughter and granddaughter of military chaplains (pastors.)  In my house, there was always pressure (some of that internal) to be a perfect officer’s daughter and Christian.  My problem was that from the time I was little, I felt very broken. I could never live up to expectations, and my sin and shame kept me simultaneously feeling worthless and desperate for the love I felt might make me whole. 
My father was deployed for most of my preteen and teen years, and I wasn’t close with my mother, so I began to search for my one “true love”- someone who would love me unconditionally.  My low self-esteem and my constant belief that love would fix all my problems only led me to a new problem when I got pregnant at 19.  I could not go home and tell my father the pastor, that I was pregnant.  I ran straight to an abortion clinic.  I shut out all emotion and everything I believed in, to shut out the possibility of my parents’ rejection and judgment.   
What I found in my answer of abortion was just more pain and brokenness.  My anesthesia failed so I was awake and alert for surgery.  The pain didn’t matter- the procedure was underway, so nurses held me down while the doctor finished. Within 24 hours I developed an infection so bad that I began hallucinating and had to go to the ER to be treated. All the while, I was grieving the child I didn’t think I wanted, feeling abandoned and hated by God, and feeling relief at the same time. So, I “buried” the pain, never talked about it again, and went on to struggle more than I could have ever dreamt possible.  I became emotional shrapnel, flinging myself through life, cutting, injuring, and maiming everyone important to me. I made emotional decisions because I chose not to face the trauma and grief, which in turn caused more pain, and then more emotional choices.  I went through 2 marriages, affairs, a divorce, and struggled as a mother, all stemming from pain that I buried but couldn’t run from. It was a secret poison for every area of my life from that day forward for years to come 
16 years later,  the thing that changed my life, my family, and my future was the hope in Christ that I found in an abortion recovery support group/study that I attended.  I had gone back to church after several years and then felt led to volunteer at our local pregnancy center to help women who found themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy. To volunteer, they required me to go through an abortion recovery support group. In the process of that recovery support group/ bible study, I found a faith, hope, and healing that I had once believed was impossible. Growing up I’d envisioned God as a critical, smiting God, and I’d never been able to reconcile “Jesus Loves Me” with that understanding, especially considering my brokenness.  During my study of the bible in abortion recovery, I grew to know God as a loving, nurturing, forgiving Father who sacrificed for me, knowing I would be sinful, and loving me anyway. I came to discover King David’s prayer in Psalm 51:14 as my own: “Forgive me for shedding blood, O God who saves; and I will joyfully sing of your forgiveness.” I no longer needed to struggle to “forgive myself” because I discovered that I’d already received the ultimate forgiveness.  I was free in Christ! 
My prayer for anyone reading this is that you will call H3, take a leap of faith, commit to recovery, and find the peace, hope, and forgiveness that your heart needs. 

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Abortion Stories • Healing is Possible

Our Helpline Coaches are caring and non-judgmental. We are dedicated to supporting your recovery. Don’t wait for the pain of abortion to go away, let us help. Call or text our abortion helpline today for compassionate support.