After Abortion Healing for Men
We provide after abortion healing for men. H3HELPLINE offers 24/7 after abortion help and support, call (866) 721-7881. You can confidentially talk to one of our male Helpline Coaches who will listen and offer resources for after abortion healing. Whether you’re a man struggling with the aftermath of your partner’s abortion or someone looking to support a man in your life, our helpline is here for you.
Healing After Abortion: Supporting Men’s Emotional Journey
In the conversation surrounding abortion, the focus often falls solely on women, while the emotional toll on men is frequently overlooked. The truth is, men are not immune to the effects of their partner’s abortion. They too can experience profound grief, guilt, and emotional distress.
Men’s grief after abortion is a real and valid experience, yet it’s often disenfranchised and disregarded by society. This hidden struggle can lead to feelings of isolation, shame, and a sense of powerlessness. Many men suffer in silence, lacking the support and acknowledgment they need to navigate their emotions.
At H3HELPLINE, we recognize the importance of providing support and healing for everyone affected by abortion, including men. Our 24/7 helpline, (866) 721-7881, is a safe and confidential space where individuals who have experienced abortion can reach out for support.
Through our helpline, we can connect you with virtual resources and after-abortion support groups in your area, where you can find understanding, validation, and community. You don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Reach out to H3HELPLINE today and take the first step towards healing and wholeness.
Helpline Coach
Scott Bio
Scott lives in Missouri with his bride of over 45 years. They have two children (plus one in heaven) and five grandchildren. Scott is retired after working many years in Human Resources for an international energy company and an international mining company. Scott is also a cancer survivor.
Scott has served in many volunteer positions with the Boy Scouts of America, on the local adult committee for Young Life and on the Board for the Heritage Philharmonic. He currently serves on the Board for If Not For Grace Ministries (INFG), an abortion recovery ministry. He is an active member of Shepherd’s Way Church and attends the local men’s weekly Bible Study Fellowship.
Scott found the healing and redemption that he didn’t realize he needed from his own abortion experience with his bride, before they were married, when he attended a Reconciliation Weekend to ‘support’ his bride who was completing her healing after participating in an abortion recovery study through If Not For Grace. Since that event their marriage has been revived and Scott has served in many volunteer capacities with INFG; from helping facilitate reconciliation weekends to sharing his story with small and large groups.
Helpline Coach
Chris Bio
For every abortion, a man is involved. I am one of those. Nearly 20 years after our abortion and maturing emotionally and spiritually, I came to grips with my involvement in an abortion. Guilt began to creep in. I had 3 blessings of great kids and I realized I really had 4. That realization began to be a burden.
At about the same time, I was asked to help in a pregnancy center. I figured that would be a good avenue to atone for my abortion. Prior to actively volunteering in the pregnancy center, I was asked if I had abortion experience. Of course, I said yes then was required to go through a healing study led by another abortion-wounded individual.
I know I am forgiven and free of the guilt, regret, and shame I carried. Just as one abortion-wounded individual shared and guided me through the process of forgiveness and healing, I now seek opportunities to do the same for others who are experiencing the emotional trauma phenomena that can be a result of one’s abortion experience.
My method to date and what I have found success with is one on one via phone or in the case of international contacts, via email. When I get a referral, I contact them as quickly as possible to let them know help is on the way. I only work with male abortion-wounded individuals. I establish where the client is at the first encounter as in their history with abortion, their theology background, family history and so forth. I listen to the client and early on, establish we have a shared experience. In essence, a “me too/you too” almost bond. Again, early on, I offer that I have achieved peace with my abortion past. My intention is to impart that peace to them by as I have gained a sense of peace with my abortion past, they have the same opportunity. This may take a second, third, or more conversations prior to taking healing steps.
Males (guys) tend to want to fix things. They want to know what they can do about their situation. Working through Healing the Father, I share specific actions they can adopt that enabled and supported my own peace. I offer a list of books they can read and encourage them to get and read each one. I have a list of songs they can download that support their move to peace. Overall, I establish their journey to peace doesn’t end when we cease talking. Their journey is life-long and results in a peace they did not have when we first talked.
Are you experiencing trauma from a past abortion? Trauma from abortion is real and you are not alone. If you are not sure, answer the questions below and start your journey to healing.
Abortion Stories • Healing is Possible
Our Helpline Coaches are caring and non-judgmental. We are dedicated to supporting your recovery. Don’t wait for the pain of abortion to go away, let us help. Call or text our abortion helpline today for compassionate support.