H3HELPLINE is here for you. We help anyone who needs support after an abortion. We care about your recovery, let us help.

H3Helpline is a 24/7 Nationwide Helpline for Abortion Recovery, which is staffed by Helpline Coaches who have all personally experienced the pain of abortion. All our services are free of charge and confidential, and our mission is simple: “Help, Hope, Healing… after the pain of abortion.” We are here to provide women and men with a safe place to process their emotions and thoughts surrounding their past abortion, and then help them begin their healing journey. H3Helpline also helps connect every caller with resources and support in their community to receive additional, confidential help.

In this blog, we have asked the Director of H3Helpline, Terri, a few questions to help you get to know what type of person you will talk to when you call H3Helpline. Terri, along with all of the other professionally trained Helpline Coaches, have all experienced abortion in some form; they are all able to listen and empathize with you on a confidential phone call.

What is your hope for anyone who calls H3?

Our hope at H3Helpline is to always provide our callers with a compassionate and caring Helpline Coach who will listen to their hurts– letting them know there is hope. We will then help them further by providing them with local resources, where they can go confidentially to work through their grieving and trauma to receive emotional healing and peace.

What is one thing you would say to anyone who is considering an abortion and/or is struggling from a past abortion?

I would be honest with the woman who is considering an abortion by validating her fears. When she became pregnant, her life changed forever. I would let her know all of her options are hard and that she only has three options. I would go over parenting and adoption with her, as well as her option of abortion. I would ask why she feels abortion is her only option. I would explain that abortion sounds like the simplest option and the fastest option but it is actually emotionally the hardest option because it never goes away; it will haunt her the rest of her life.

Our Helpline Coaches always offer help and resources in the callers local area. We also follow up with a phone call to see how the caller is doing.

Why did you choose to get involved with H3Helpline?

I have walked through the darkness of abortion, and the pain, heartache, and shame it brings to so many. The enemy would have loved for me to stay trapped in that dungeon of regret, but God had a plan to turn my mistakes into a massive testimony and road to freedom for other women and girls who have walked the same path.

Through those years, God kept my heart tender for the women who had been wounded and changed by abortion. How could they live in God’s freedom if they were still carrying the secrets and hurts of their past? This is how H3Helpline was started.

I have experienced the goodness of God in the depths of darkness, shame, and regret. He has transformed my life through His forgiveness and redemptive power. My life’s mission is now to share His healing and restoration with other women who are hurting.


What is something you would like to share with your community/supporters of H3?

Statistics show that callers used to wait 10-15 years, or maybe even more, before they finally looked for help after their abortion. However, in the past 3-5 years, the callers are looking for emotional help the day after, the week after, and even the month after. They are recognizing immediately that: “I wasn’t told all the facts of how I would feel after my abortion.” Our Helpline Coaches are hearing:

“I just wish I could go back one day and I would not have made this choice.”


“How am I going to get through this?”


With the chemical abortion (pills) becoming more accessible, the trauma after abortion is increasing. These women are sent home to take pills and then to be alone in their bathroom to pass their unborn child. Our calls are increasing with women in tears and panic asking, “What do I do?” The trauma of what they have seen and done is horrific.

How can those in your community help with H3’s work?

For those that want to get involved in helping in post abortion recovery, H3Helpline is needing more Helpline Coaches who have an abortion story of healing, as well as more financial investors to keep our Helpline running. We also need prayers, as our Helpline Coaches are on the frontlines of helping women/men through their trauma.

H3Helpline is Here to Help

If you’re feeling grief and pain from a past abortion, no matter how long it’s been, call H3Helpline today. It is never too late to find emotional healing, no matter how you may feel now. Our Helpline Coaches have all experienced the pain of abortion firsthand, and they are available 24/7 to listen to you and to help you take the first steps in your journey towards healing. We want you to know that you are not alone– there are resources and support all around you. Call or text us at 866-721-7881 or visit us online today. We are here for you.