H3HELPLINE is here for you. We help anyone who needs support after an abortion. We care about your recovery, let us help.


“I was 15 years old when I got pregnant by my boyfriend. For a while, I thought we would get married and be a family, and I secretly prayed for that, but didn’t really even know who God was. I did not know it at the time but he was an alcoholic. When his mother found out, she pressured me to get an abortion saying, “I was too young to be a mom”. He continued to drink and cheated on me. How could the person who was supposed to love me hurt me so badly? My heart was reeling with lies whispered by the deceiver, so I made an appointment with an abortion clinic thinking it would “take care of my problem”. Once there, I should have run out, but instead I walked into the exam room. I was so distraught, what had I done? How did I get here?? I went through with the procedure—-

My journey to healing began about 20 years ago. I had met a young man and we fell in love. I prayed to God that this man would become my husband, and God answered that prayer! My future husband and I started going to church, where he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, got baptized and then we got married in the church! As our faith journey has progressed, I have received hope and healing through Bible study, prayer and attending an abortion recovery retreat. I was able to honor the memory of my son and receive true forgiveness and healing from the Lord! My favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” If abortion is in your past, the same love and forgiveness found in Jesus Christ is available to you! Don’t wait another minute believing the lies!” C.

 Take the First Step

If you or someone you know is suffering from post-abortion effects, we encourage you to call or text H3Helpline today at 866-721-7881. Our compassionate Helpline Coaches are always available to take your call and help you start your personal journey towards healing. We are dedicated to always providing a safe place for you to process and ask questions with someone who has been where you once were and ensuring you are given the support and resources you need to not only heal, but to thrive. Take the first step of the journey today with us.