H3HELPLINE is here for you. We help anyone who needs support after an abortion. We care about your recovery, let us help.
No matter what time of day you call H3Helpline, you will reach one of our professionally trained Helpline Coaches who have all experienced the pain of abortion first hand. Although their backgrounds and stories may vary, there is one thing they all have in common and that is why they do what they do for H3Helpline.
When you call our Nationwide Helpline for Abortion Recovery, you can rest assured that not only is your call confidential, but completely free of charge as well. We exist to provide a safe space for women and men as they process their pain, emotions, and thoughts regarding their past abortion. We then help them begin taking steps in their healing journey. We are also here for anyone who is considering having an abortion and just needs someone to talk with.
In this blog, we have asked two of our Helpline Coaches, De’Cean and Dedra, a few questions to allow you to get to know two of the voices on the other side of the line when you call H3Helpline. This interview is different from others we have done in the past because De’Cean and Dedra are sisters, both who have had abortions and are both passionate about listening and empathizing with callers who have experienced abortion as well. So let’s find out who is on the other side of the line.
A Tale of Two Sisters:
De’Cean and Dedra both knew that they were each having an abortion before they had one. Although they shared this in common, their journeys afterwards are both different as well as encouraging. What they shared with each other years ago and the healing they found is what they share now with those who are dealing with pain from their abortion experiences.

Why did you feel you had to choose the option of abortion?
De’Cean: I felt I wasn’t ready to be a mother at the time and neither was the father of the baby. We were not married. This was not a planned pregnancy. I believe if we were married I would’ve kept the baby. I was young and still in highschool. I watched my mother struggle as a single parent and I didn’t want that to be me. I thought that I couldn’t go to college and try to raise a baby as well. Planned Parenthood told me it wasn’t a baby – If I had been fully educated of my options and that life begins at conception, I would not chosen abortion. I never saw an ultrasound or heard of Pregnancy Resource Centers. I would have chosen to carry the baby to term.
Dedra: I felt that I had to choose abortion because I was too young for motherhood, I wanted to attend college and to be established before bringing a child into the world. I went to Planned Parenthood and they validated my choice of being too young. I really didn’t know there was a life, I believed the lie that I would be ok after the abortion. It wasn’t until I was doing a Bible Study called “Freedom” that I started questioning my decision to have an abortion. It was there I came to terms with the truth of taking the life of my unborn child. I would have never chosen abortion, if I had understood the truth of life beginning at conception. I could never recommend someone else having an abortion – there are other options.
How did it affect each other and the family?
De’Cean and Dedra: We didn’t tell the family or our mother, just our big sister. We told each other and kept it a secret. Our relationship stayed the same. We could always confide in one another. This just became something else we had in common.
After we both went through our healing programs and recovery retreats, we did tell our family. Our mother showed grace and acceptance. It was hard to tell her because we were afraid she would be disappointed in our decision to abort our pregnancy.
How did you decide you needed healing and where did you go for help?
De’Cean: I didn’t decide, God did! I just wanted to volunteer for our Pregnancy Resource Center and I found out It was a requirement to attend a post abortion class before I could become a client advocate at the Pregnancy Resource Center. At first, I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t realize I needed healing but the Lord led me to “Forgiven and Set Free” by Linda Cochrane which helped me receive my complete healing from the pain of my abortion at (FREE AT LAST) and there, for the first time, I was able to forgive myself for aborting my unborn child and received my healing. The class was offered at my church Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Texas.
Dedra: In 2017 I was going through a book called Freedom with a lady from church when I discovered that I never received healing nor had I dealt with my abortion. I was living my life as though it never happened. I was introduced to “If Not For Grace” and that’s when I went through Her Choice to Heal Recovery! I also met Terri Baxter, Director of H3Helpline. She was one of my leaders in Her Choice to Heal.
Were you able to encourage each other to find healing resources?
De’Cean: Yes, I told Dedra about my abortion healing experience and the forgiveness I received from the emotional trauma because of abortion.
Dedra: Yes, De’Cean started her healing process 1st in 2006 and she shared with me how much it really helped her. This gave me hope and reason to seek healing as well 11 years later.
Are there others in your family who have had abortions? And were you able to talk to those members thinking of having an abortion?
Dedra: Yes there are others. Our cousin was thinking about having abortion and I was able to convince her not to have it and that our family would help her. Today the cousin has three beautiful girls and one son. The extended family was helped by an older sister taking guardianship of two children and DeCean adopted the other two. Though challenging, the family is blessed by the cousin choosing life.
What are you doing now to help hurting women or to help stop abortion?
De’Cean: I’ve dedicated my life to helping women find healing and forgiveness from the emotional trauma they have suffered because of their abortions. Also, I volunteer for the H3Helpline as a Helpline Coach.
Dedra: I’m currently a Helpline Coach with H3Helpline and I volunteer once a week to assist women with past abortions and women thinking of considering having an abortion. As well as praying for women and sharing my testimony.
H3Helpline is Here for You 24/7
As you saw from De’Cean and Dedra’s stories, it is never too late to find emotional healing, no matter how you may feel now or how long it’s been. If you’re dealing with grief and pain from a past abortion, call H3Helpline today and know that those on the other side of the line have found peace and healing. Our Helpline Coaches are here for you 24/7, to listen to you and to help you take the first steps in your journey towards healing. They have experienced similar pain and trauma and desire to help you heal just as they have. We also want you to know that you are not alone in this journey– there are resources and support all around you. Call or text us at 866-721-7881 and find who is on the line or visit us online today.